Paulo Gordo

Paulo Gordo

Paulo Gordo 270 150 NEO MAPP
Institutional Affiliation:   
NEO-MAPP Role:   

Paulo Gordo is a Senior Researcher in FCUL. Main field of research optical instrument for space applications and for Astronomy instruments. He has 15 years of experience in this field, participating and leading several ESA projects and participating in ESO instruments development. It has participated along with EFACEC (Portuguese company) in the development of a Mars landing rangefinder, from instrument modeling up to instrument development. A prototype of this instrument has been developed and is now being adapted for NEO mission HERA. Paulo has participated in the development of GAIA OGSE, S3 OGSEs, and an optical link emitter system for satellite. Paulo has managed 9 ESA (European Space Agency) projects. Has 27 publications in several fields of physics and space. 

Paulo Gordo will be FC.ID principal researcher for this project and primarily responsible for carrying out the proposed research of FC.ID. 
