Morota, T., …, Michel, P., …, Yoshikawa, M., … (2020) Sample collection from asteroid 162173 Ryugu by Hayabusa2: implications for surface evolution. Science 368, Issue 6491, 654-669.
Barucci, M.A., …, Michel, P., … 2020. OSIRIS-REx spectral analysis of (101955) Bennu by multivariate statistics. Astron. Astrophys. 637, L4.
Jutzi, M. & Michel, P. 2020. Collisional heating and compaction of small bodies: Constraints for their origin and evolution. Icarus 350, 113867.
Michel, P., …, Jutzi, M., …, May, B.H., …, Yoshikawa, M., … D.S. 2020. Collisional formation of top-shaped asteroids and implications for the origins of Ryugu and Bennu. Nature Communications 11, 2665.
Zhang, Y. & Michel, P. 2020. Tidal distortion and disruption of rubble-pile bodies revisited – Soft-sphere discrete element analyses. Astron. Astrophys. 640, A102.
Hirabayashi, …, Michel, P., … 2020. Spin-driven evolution of asteroids’ top-shapes at fast and slow spins seen from (101955) Bennu and (162173) Ryugu. Icarus 352, 113936.
Daly, M.G., …, Michel, P., Zhang, Y., … 2020. Hemispherical Differences in the Shape and Topography of Asteroid (101955) Bennu. Science Advances 6, Issue 41.
DellaGiustina, D.N., …, de Leon, J., …, Michel, P., … 2020. Variations in Color and Reflectance on the Surface of Asteroid (101955) Bennu. Science 370, Issue 6517, p674, eabc3660.
Daly, R.T., …, Michel, P., … 2020. The morphometry of impact craters on Bennu. Geophysical Research Letters 47, e2020GL089672.
Cheng, B., …, Michel, P., …, Yoshikawa, M., … 2021. Reconstructing the formation history of top-shaped asteroids from the surface boulder distribution. Nature Astronomy 5, p.134-138.
Grott, M. Biele, J., Michel, P., … 2020. Macroporosity and Grain Density of Rubble Pile Asteroid (162173) Ryugu. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125, e2020JE006519.
Libourel G., …, Michel P. 2021. Network of thermal cracks in meteorites due to temperature variations: new experimental evidence and implications for asteroid surfaces. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, Issue 2, p.1905-1920.
Zhang, Y., Michel, P., …, Tsiganis, K., …, May, B.H. 2021. Creep stability of the DART/Hera mission target 65803 Didymos: II. The role of cohesion. Icarus 362, 114433.
Dias, N.G., …, Gordo, P., …, Michel, P. 2021. LIDAR altimeter conception for HERA spacecraft. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 93, 1018-1028.
Sugimoto, C., …, Michel, P., … 2021. High-Resolution Observations of Bright Boulders on Asteroid Ryugu: 1. Size Distribution and Morphology. Icarus, 369, 114529.
Tanabe, N., .., Michel, P., … 2021. Development of image texture analysis technique for boulder distribution measurements: applications to asteroids Ryugu and Itokawa. Planetary and Space Science 204, 105249.
Roberts, J.H., …, Michel, P., Zhang, Y., … 2021. Rotational states and shapes of Ryugu and Bennu: Implications for interior structure and strength. Planetary and Space Science 204, 105268.
Rivkin, A.S., …, Cheng, A.F., …, Michel, P., Küppers, M., … 2021. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART): Planetary Defense Investigations and Requirements. Planetary Science Journal 2, 173.
Agrusa, H.F., …, Tsiganis, K., …, Michel, P., Karatekin, O., Cheng, A.F., …, Zhang, Y., … 2021. The Excited Spin State of Dimorphos Resulting from the DART Impact. Icarus 370, 114624.
Sugimoto, C. …, Michel, P., … 2021. High-resolution observations of bright boulders on asteroid Ryugu: 2. Spectral properties. Icarus.
Ballouz, R.-L., …, Michel, P., …, Zhang, Y., … 2021. Modified granular impact force laws for the OSIRIS-REx touchdown on the surface of asteroid (101955) Bennu. MNRAS 507, p5087-5105.
Jutzi, M., Raducan, S., Zhang, Y., Michel, P., Arakawa, M. 2022 Constraining surface properties of asteroid (162173) Ryugu from numerical simulations of Hayabusa2 mission impact experiment. Nature Communications.
Jutzi, M., Raducan, S., Zhang, Y., Michel, P., Arakawa, M. 2022. Premières simulations complètes de formation d’un cratère sur un astéroïde. Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur.
G. Voyatzis, D. Karydis & K. Tsiganis. 2021. Families of periodic orbits around asteroids: From shape symmetry to asymmetry. Project: Periodic orbits around asteroids of irregular shape. Proceedings of IAU symposium N° 346 “Multiscale (time and mass) dynamics of space objects”
Nicole G. Dias, Beltran N. Arribas, Paulo Gordo, Tiago Sousa, João Marinho, Rui Melicio, António Amorim, Patrick Michel and NEO-MAPP Team. 2021. “HERA Mission LIDAR Altimeter Implementation. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering”
Paolo Tortora, Igor Gai, Marco Lombardo, Marco Zannoni, Ian Carnelli, Michael Kueppers, Paolo Martino, and Patrick Michel. 2020. Didymos Gravity Science through Ground-based and Satellite-to-Satellite Doppler Tracking. EGU General Assembly.
Patrick Michel, Stephan Ulamec, Albert Falke, Paulo Gordo, Alain Hérique, Martin Jutzi, Ozgur Karatekin, Julia de Leon, Javier Licandro, Naomi Murdoch, Danica Rémy, Grig Richter, Francisco da Silva Pais Cabral, Paolo Tortora, Kleomenis Tsiganis, Jean-Baptiste Vincent, Kai Wuennemann.2020. THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION FUNDED NEO-MAPP PROJECT IN SUP-PORT OF THE ESA HERA MISSION: NEAR-EARTH OBJECT MODELLING AND PAYLOAD FOR PROTECTION. 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly.
Marco Zannoni, Igor Gai, Marco Lombardo, Edoardo Gramigna, Riccardo Lasagni Manghi, Paolo, Tortora, Ozgur Karatekin, Hannah Goldberg, Paolo Martino, Michael Kueppers, Patrick Michel, Ian Carnelli. 2020. Europlanet Science Congress, Abstracts Vol., EPSC2020-691.
Patrick Michel, Michael Küppers, Ian Carnelli, and the Hera Investigation Team and the NEO-MAPP Team. 2020. The ESA Hera mission and the European Union funded NEO-MAPP project as a European contribution to the AIDA collaboration that will combine Hera and NASA DART missions’ data. AGU Fall Meeting.
C. Sunday, N. Murdoch, M. Drilleau, A. Wilhelm, P. Michel. 2021. LOW-VELOCITY COLLISION DYNAMICS ON EARTH VS. SMALL-BODIES.
N. Murdoch, R.F. Garcia, A. Sournac, M. Bassas-Portus, A. Cadu, A.Wilhelm, M. Drilleau, A. Stott and D. Mimoun. 2021. A COMPACT SEISMOMETER FOR THE GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION OF SMALL BODIES. PDC Vienna.
Rossi, K. Tsiganis, M.Gaitanas, F. Marzari, A. Lucchetti, S. Ivanovski, S. Raducan, E. Dotto, V. Della Corte, M. Amoroso, S. Pirrotta, I. Bertini, J.R. Brucato, A. Capannolo, B. Cotugno, G.Cremonese, V. Di Tana, I. Gai, S. Ieva, G. Impresario, M. Lavagna, E. Mazzotta-Epifani, A. Meneghin, F.,Miglioretti, D. Modenini, M. Pajola, D. Perna, P. Palumbo, G. Poggiali, E. Simioni, S. Simonetti, P.Tortora, M. Zannoni, G. Zanotti, A. Zinzi. 2021. DYNAMICS OF EJECTA IN THE DIDYMOS-DIMORPHOS BINARY: SENSITIVITY TO THE SYSTEM PARAMETERS. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, LPI Contrib. No. 2548.
C. Sunday, N. Murdoch, M. Drilleau, A. Wilhelm, P. Michel. 2021. LOW-VELOCITY COLLISION DYNAMICS ON EARTH VS. SMALL-BODIES. LPSC.
Marco Zannoni, Edoardo Gramigna, Igor Gai, Marco Lombardo, Riccardo Lasagni Manghi, and Paolo Tortora. 2021. Hera Radio Science Investigations through Ground-based and Satellite-to-Satellite Doppler Tracking. URSI GASS.
G. Voyatzis, D. Karydis & K. Tsiganis. 2021. Families of periodic orbits around asteroids: From shape symmetry to asymmetry. Multi-scale (time and mass) dynamics of space objects, Proceedings International Astronomical Union Symposium N°346.
Yun Zhang, Patrick Michel, Derek C. Richardson, Harrison F. Agrusa, Kleomenis Tsiganis, Olivier S. Barnouin, and Özgür Karatekin.2021. MINIMUM MATERIAL STRENGTH OF BINARY ASTEROID DIDYMOS-DIMORPHOS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY. 7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference – PDC.
Yun Zhang, Patrick Michel, Derek C. Richardson, Olivier S. Barnouin, Harrison F. Agrusa, and Kleomenis Tsiganis. 2020. Structural stability and cohesive strength of 65803 Didymos. EuroPlanet Science Congress, Vol.14, 660.

Stereo pair courtesy of Brian May and Claudia Manzonie of a digital simulation image of a mass shedding of Didymos when its rotation speed on itself increases and that centrifugal force becomes dominant. At the end of such a process, a small moon may form itself. In this image, the rotation period is 2.3757 hours and colors represent particle speeds. According to Zhang, Y., Michel, P. et al. (2021, Icarus 362).