Associate Professor at the Department of Physics of AUTH. He has 20 years of professional research experience (including scientific software development) in celestial mechanics, of which 14 as faculty at AUTH. He spent two years as post-doc researcher at the Observatory of Nice (France, EC Marie Curie Fellow) and has also worked at the Southwest Research Institute in the US. His main research interests are on formation and dynamical evolution of the solar system, long-term dynamics of main-bel asteroids and NEAs, chaotic diffusion and NEAs production from the asteroid belt, asteroid groups and families, satellite dynamics around irregularly shaped bodies, and space debris dynamics.
He is author of more than 70 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals, as well as several review chapters and conference proceedings. His work has received more than 5,000 independent citations. He is one of the authors of the “Nice model” of solar system evolution (2005, Nature). He has received several distinctions for his research work, including the renaming of asteroid 1999RC221 to “(21775) Tsiganis” by the IAU (2008) and the International “Paolo Farinella Prize” (2016), for his contributions to the study of natural celestial bodies, with the use of celestial mechanics. He is Associate Editor of the journals Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy and Annales Geophysicae.