Université Grenoble Alpes

Result of a 2016 merger of the three Grenoble universities (UJF, UPMF, Stendhal University), the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) is one of France’s leaders in higher education and research. UGA is a research intensive university in an international and high tech environment: 45 000 students; 3700 PhD students, 45% from abroad; 2200 permanent academic staff; 80 laboratories organised in 6 research departments; 14 doctoral schools. The city hosts 5 large international research facilities (The European Synchrotron – ESRF, ILL, The European Molecular Biology Laboratory – EMBL, IRAMInstitute, GHMFL), that attract thousands of researchers every year. 

Under H2020, UGA continues to actively participate in Research and Training Programs and is already involved in over 70 projects, including 20 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (1 COFUND-DP, 6 ITN – 3 in coordination, 8 IF-EF and 5 RISE projects). 18 staff members are directly connected to European research projects at UGA: 8 Research Project Officers, 3 Finances Officers, 5 Legal Advisers, and 2 Patents Engineers. 

The Institute for Planetary sciences and Astrophysics of Grenoble (IPAG), is one of the three major research units of the Grenoble Observatory (OSUG). IPAG is a joint lab of the National Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy of CNRS (INSU) and of the Grenoble Alpes University (UGA). IPAG is affiliated to the French space agency (CNES). 

In planetary sciences, IPAG study Sun-Earth interactions, planetary subsurfaces, small bodies in the solar system, and the chemical evolution of primitive matter. In astrophysics, IPAG research themes embrace the formation of solar systems, from the initial phases of the core collapse, through protostellar disk, up to the study of exoplanets. Our activities include astronomical observations, laboratory measurements, high-performance computing, as well as the design and operation of instrumentation for ground-based observation and for space probes to study the structure of Solar System bodies.

We thrive thanks to our local, national and international collaborations: with other labs, universities, research institutions (ONERA, CEA-LETI, CNES, ESA, ESO), and companies (Sofradir, Thales, Airbus). In addition to our research publications, we are keen to patent our inventions and to initiate startups (Alpao, RSS, FLI). IPAG benefits from funding from various agencies, notably the French National Research Agency (ANR) and from the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union.
