Riccardo Lasagni Manghi is a Postdoctoral researcher at the Radio Science and Planetary Exploration Laboratory of the University of Bologna. He received his B.Sc. in Astronomy and M.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Bologna in 2013 and 2016, respectively. In June 2021 he will defend his PhD thesis in Aerospace Science and Technology, which focuses on orbit determination techniques for space missions to small bodies. Since 2015 he has been involved in studied under funding of the European Space Agency in the fields of (a) CubeSat development as part of the CubeSat Opportunity Payload (COPINS) onboard the Asteroid Impact Mission (now Hera), (b) Development of a Ground Tropospheric Media Calibration System for Accurate Ranging of Space Missions.

Riccardo Lasagni
Riccardo Lasagni https://neomapp.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/riccardo_lasagni_manghi.png 480 270 NEO MAPP https://neomapp.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/riccardo_lasagni_manghi.png
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