Naomi Murdoch, NEO-MAPP Project Team Member and Researcher at ISAE-SUPAERO was in the spotlight of the French media following the DART Mission impact that took place on September 26.
On September, 27 Naomi’s interview in the Huffpost France science section was published. There she talks about the DART impact and what is going to happen next.
She also explains why Dimorphos was chosen as the mission’s target. According to Naomi, “Scientists only know 40% of the asteroids of the same size as Dimorphos. This means that for the other 60%, we don’t know where they are or how they move in space. This is where the real threat to Earth could come from”.
Read the original article in French – La mission DART de la Nasa dira rapidement si on peut éviter de finir comme les dinosaures (

Screenshot from Nasa : Une Toulousaine participe à la mission suicide DART
Naomi Murdoch also made an appearance in the French regional news broadcast. Watch Naomi answer questions regarding the DART Mission and impact – Nasa : Une Toulousaine participe à la mission suicide DART (ViàOccitanie)